07.11.18 - 21.11.18 (Week 11 - Week 13)
Maydeline (0335392)
Final Project - Social Message Poster (Expression, Hierarchy and Composition)


Lecture 11 : -


We had no lecture this week as we continued doing our final project.

Lecture 12 : -


We had no lecture this week that we continued doing the final project.

Lecture 13 : -


We had no lecture this week that we did the final project and the animation.


FINAL PROJECT (Week 11 - Week 13)

Week 11 - Week 13

We were briefed on our final project which was about Expression, Hierarchy and Composition. We had to create an A3 poster on any social problems that happens in Taylor's University. Our message has to fill at least 3/4 of the poster with minimal graphics and one colour other than black and white. I chose to do about Stress because I felt like these days lots of students are having stress because of assignments so I want to make this poster as a reminder.

I sketched my ideas and also Mr Vinod gave us some references to see in Pinterest.

They looked very interesting and I found it very amusing to see those unique posters. However, when I looked at the poster, I didn't feel the styles match my message so I continued focusing on my sketches.

Fig 1.1 Sketches

I also had some other ideas so I tried it out in Adobe Illustrator and chose this 3.

Fig 1.2 Digitised
I asked feedback from Mr Vinod and he said that the first one has a little more impact because of its proximity but he thought that the black space/background is overwhelming and disproportionate. I tried to do some changes to make it balanced.

Fig 1.3 1st attempt

I noticed that the top left and bottom left are very empty and I should fill with words/small lines. I tried out with some ideas to make it balanced but somehow it doesn't look really good.

Fig 1.4 2nd attempt
Fig 1.5 3rd attempt
Mr Vinod said that I should put words instead of small lines and he suggested me to put "out" after yourself and I also added "Hey" on top left. In addition, I was also suggested to put the "Taylor's Counselling and Psychological Services Centre" on bottom left and also the location of it.
Fig 1.6 4th attempt
After making some changes, I was suggested to put color background instead of making it white and Mr Vinod asked me to learn about color combination and I did some research to match red and black.
Fig 1.7 Color Combination poster

After creating my poster design, I animated the poster as it will be posted in social media. Mr Vinod reminded us to keep it simple so I tried out some ways to make it simple but impactful as well.
Fig 1.8 Final Outcome Poster

Fig 1.9 PDF Final Outcome Poster

Fig 1.10 1st attempt of animated gif


Week 11

Specific feedback (online) - Project 1 : Mr Vinod thought that I am using a profusion if typefaces and he said that it was too many. I should organise my expression. As explained in class, I should express the intent of the message and not every word. Both of my expressions look very different from each other like they come from different books, no similarity. My second time asking Mr Vinod, he commented that the use of black in internal pages seem to be chosen to hide the lack of balance, interaction/interplay, alignment between the body of text and the text expression. When viewed together, both seem seperate and not of the same book. The only exception being the cover and back cover. My third time asking Mr Vinod, he said that the internal pages are all better and he also gave me some samples.

Week 12

Specific feedback : Mr Vinod asked me to put the thumbnail, pdf and jpeg file on my portfolio for Project 1. In addition, Mr Vinod commented on my 2nd project and told me that the digitised letters looked really nice however he said that the thickness of the 3 different letters were different and I needed to change a bit to make it look similar. In addition, he suggested me to make a bit changes on final project, we have to do the research firstly, take the research as the reference of our work, sketch it and then draw it in illustrator. Specific feedback (online) : I gave 3 different posters for Mr Vinod to see and he said that the first one has a little more impact due to its proximity but the black space around it is overwhelming and disproportionate to the form of the overall text composition. It looks half finished. For my 2nd attempt poster, I left white spaces but Mr Vinod pointed out that the top left and bottom left white spaces should be filled rather than empty because it doesn't look balanced.

Week 13

Specific feedback : I added lines for the poster to fill the top left and bottom left but Mr Vinod asked me to delete the lines and put words "hey" before stop and "out" after yourself so that the composition is balanced. In addition, he also suggested me to always use ruler to make it aligned. After adjusting, he asked me to put "Taylor's Counselling and Psychological Services Centre" on the bottom left and told me to choose a typeface that suits my poster's typeface. For the animation, Mr Shamsul and Mr Vinod said that it's okay and it's just safe. Moreover, Mr Vinod suggested me to do some study of color combination for the background that matches well with black and red (color of thr fonts) instead of just going white as the background. Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul said that my animation was just okay and it was safe.
Specific feedback (online) : Mr Vinod asked me to add the location of the centre on the poster under the name of the location.



Week 11

This was e-learning week and I experienced difficulty in finding ideas and sketching for the poster. It takes some time to think about the whole composition and also the typeface that I'm gonna use.

Week 12

I experimented with some design sketches that I came up with but I wasn't satisfied because the poster didn't look balanced and I had difficulty placing the letters/sentences to make it looks overall balanced.

Week 13

I had a bit of a hard time getting to my final result of the poster because there were lots of changes being made and also the animation was a bit hard because the idea that I had was too simple.


Week 11

I observed that the Pinterest poster that Mr Vinod gave was very simple and minimalistic but each designer has their different styles for their posters. Some of them were very unique that I studied the posters to see some details.

Week 12

When I was creating my poster, I became to understand more why we had to choose the right typeface, colour of text and background to express the message of the poster correctly because we need to make sure that the readers could understand and read the message we are trying to convey.

Week 13

I observed that alignment is very important when creating the poster that I was reminded to use a ruler to make sure that everything is aligned, neat and balanced.


Week 11

I found out that the designers' works in Pinterest weren't very complex and fancy but overall somehow they looked really good and balanced.

Week 12

I found out that hierarchy of the text plays a significant role when it comes to designing a poster. I had to choose the right font size and typeface to make sure that the words are readable.

Week 13

I found out that colour combination could really help in creating a poster when I researched it for my background. I found out that there are many colours that really match black and red instead of using white to match those colours.


Week 11 - Week 12

Typographic Design : Form and Communication
Fig 2.1 Typographic Design : Form and Communication 

Chapter 6 : The Typographic Message
http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.taylors.edu.my/eds/ebookviewer/ebook/bmxlYmtfXzUzNTgxNl9fQU41?sid=da20c73c-091b-4d23-87f3-a0a08812deaa@sessionmgr4009&vid=0&format=EB&rid=2The typographic message is verbal;, visual, and vocal. While typography is read and interpreted verbally, it may also be viewed and interpreted visually, heard and interpreted audibly. By hearing the sounds and viewing the typographic forms, the typographic message is strengthened. Typographic design was pulled into the artistic revolution as poets snd visual artists realized that both meaning and form could be intensified in typographic communications.

The Futurist Manifesto written by the Italian poet Filippo Marinetti in 1909, profoundly influenced thinking in Europe and Russia. Futurist typography known as free typography demonstrated the ideas in a highly expressive manner.

Fig 2.2 Filippo Marinetti's work

Fig 2.3 Filippo Marinetti's work
With dramatic changes taking place in the form and content of typography, the typographic message became a multifaceted and expressive form of communication. Typography needs to be read, seen, heard, felt, and experienced.

Week 13 

Fig 2.4 Graphic Design Referenced

Chapter : Principles of Design
Throughout the myriad disciplines in graphic design and its numerous manifestations, one fundamental remains constant : layout. No matter what the project is : big or small, online or printed, single or multi page, flat or three-dimensional, square or round, images and/or text must be placed and organised consciously. Layout can be objectively described as the physical properties (spacing, sizing, positioning) and arrangement of the design elements within a determined area and the finished design. This leads to the subjective assessment of how effectively those properties are arranged within that area and to heated discussions among designers. While a layout can be executed in infinite ways, a few design principles must be taken into consideration so informed decisions can be made on how to exploit it.

Apart from typography, color may be the most indispensable and influential variable in graphic design, as it has the power to convey a wide range of emotions, signal specific cues, and establish an immediate connection with the viewer. Because of the sweeping extent of interpretations and associations that colours trigger, a definitive assessment of its influence and meaning is impossible. The most sensible and beneficial task for designers is to understand how colour is composed and categorised, and to practice how colours behave-alone or in combination- in their intended context.


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