01.04.19 - 01.07.19 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Maydeline (0335392)
Advanced Typography
Final Compilation & Reflection



Project 1

Project 2

Final Project



Typographic Systems 
Thumbnail of Final Composition (1)
Thumbnail of Final Composition (2)

Axial System (Final)

Axial System (Final)

Modular System (Final)

Modular System (Final)

Grid System (Final)

Grid System (Final)

Bilateral System (Final)

Bilateral System (Final)

Random System (Final)

Random System (Final)

Dilatational System (Final)

Dilatational System (Final)

Radial System (Final)

Radial System (Final)

Transitional System (Final) 

Transitional System (Final)

 Embedded PDF of Final Compositions (Spreads)

 Embedded PDF of Final Compositions (Pages)

Type & Play pt 1

Traced image with dissected letters

Refined Letter - H (Final)

Refined Letter - A (Final)

Refined Letter - M (Final)

Refined Letter - C (Final)
Refined Letter - V (Final)

Embedded PDF of Final Letters

Embedded PDF of Final Letters

Type & Play pt 2

Final Outcome Type & Play pt 2

Embedded PDF Final Outcome Type & Play pt 2


Project 1
 Final Outcome for Project 1 - Key Artwork

Embedded PDF of Final Outcome Key Artwork (Project 1)

Project 2

Collateral #1
Final Outcome Poster

Embedded PDF of Final Outcome Poster

Collateral #2

Final Outcome of Collateral #2 - T-shirt

T-shirt (Front)

T-shirt (Back)

Collateral #3
Final Outcome of Collateral #3  - Drawstring bag

Drawstring bag

PDF of Drawstring bag and T-shirt Design

Final Outcome Microsite

Embedded PDF Final Outcome Microsite

Flat Lay - Poster, T-shirt (Back & Front), Microsite, Key-Artwork, Drawstring bag

Embedded PDF Flat Lay - Poster, T-shirt (Back & Front), Microsite, Key-Artwork, Drawstring bag

Final Project

Final Project Idea

Tribal Typeface

Final Outcome Mentawai Tribal Typeface

Embedded PDF Final Outcome Mentawai Tribal Typeface


Final Outcome of Promotional Images

Embedded PDF Final Outcome of Promotional Images

Final Outcome Mentawai Pesona Festival Poster

Embedded PDF Final Outcome Mentawai Pesona Festival Poster



We have finally come to the end of the semester. Throughout all these weeks in learning advanced typography which is something that is far harder than last semester Typography lesson, it is a module that is interesting but tough at the same time. I had the experience to design and create various things starting and honestly all of them are very challenging in a way to boost my typography skills. This module definitely challenged to breakthrough my limit. I became more open to be more experimental with typography and applying them in my projects and exercises. There were times where I struggled and faced some difficulties with my design, but I managed to push myself to get good results with the help of both lecturers' feedbacks. This module felt like there were tons of works given but in a short amount of time although we were given 14 weeks. However, I felt as if we were rushed and I had to keep doing the tasks everyday little by little to get it done. This results to me being organised in doing my works, yet less procastinating and use my time wisely. Overall, this module is a good learning experience for me.


I am relived how I have learned the basic of Typography last semester because if I haven't, I would face major difficulties in this module. It makes it a bit easier for me to face Advanced Typography this semester. I can see how I have improved and become more observant to small details which always stressed me out to solve it. I have also applied this to other module such as Interactive Design where we had to make websites, and I was observant in choosing the right font, font-size and etc.


I found that I have become more aware and observant with typography around me such as the billboards, posters, logos, and etc which have typography in it. Sometimes I found bad ones and sometimes I found good one which I could take as a reference. Everytime I see the bad ones, I always think of how to make it better. I also found how the expectation for this module is a bit higher which makes me had to work harder than the pervious semester. I got to learn a lot in this module and it was tough. However, the exercises and projects were interesting, all of them.


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