13.04.20 - 22.07.20 (Week 1 - Week 15)
UX Design
Lecture 1 : Module & Client Briefing
13.04.20 (Week 1)
This week, we were briefed about the MIB of this module. Mr Shamsul explained to us about our upcoming group projects and also gave us examples from our seniors. For this module, we'll be working with a company called ESPL, a platform for online E-sport tournament. The company had given some ideas where could maybe apply to our project :
Lecture 2 : User Interview & Design Thinking
22.04.20 (Week 2)
This week, our classmates presented about User Interview. This topic is important because it would be beneficial for us for our projects. Here is the presentation :
In addition, Mr Shamsul also briefly explained to us about Design Thinking. Here is the presentation :
Lecture 3 : User Persona
27.04.20 (Week 3)
This week, our classmates presented about User Persona. This topic is important because it would be beneficial for us for our project where we had to create it. Here is the presentation :
Fig 1.3 User Personas
Lecture 4 : Focus Group
04.05.20 & 06.05.20 (Week 4)
Fig 1.4 Focus Group Presentation
Lecture 5 : -
11.05.20 & 13.05.20 (Week 5)
There were no lecture this week.
Lecture 6 : Heuristic Evaluation
18.05.20 & 20.05.20 (Week 6)
The class began with the group presentation about Heuristic Evaluation.
Lecture 7 : Card Sorting
23.05.20 - 15.07.20 (Week 7 - Week 14)
Starting from week 7, we all expected to start making the wireframes, prototypes and the high-fidelity prototype.
We also had presentation for Card Sorting.
13.04.20 -15.04.20 (Week 1)
This week, we were revising our flowchart based on the feedback that was given. We were also told to do Card Sorting.
08.06.20 - 21.06.20 (Week 9 - 10)
We updated our flowchart and prototype and showed to Sr Shamsul and Sr Razif. They asked us to conduct user testing with the prototype.
22.06.20 - 28.06.20 (Week 11)
After low-fidelity prototype has done, we managed to do some user testing. We listed down the feedback that was given and analysed how they navigate in our prototype.
29.06.20 - 05.07.20 (Week 12)
This week, we managed to add some more moodboard before starting the High-fidelity prototype.
We are halfway to finish our High-fidelity prototype and managed to finish the visuals.
13.07.20 - 19.06.20 (Week 14)
This is the link to the High-Fidelity Prototypes: https://xd.adobe.com/view/1995cc07-0ab6-4592-8ccf-ad320a04a6c0-4cc6/?fullscreen&hints=off
Link to High Fidelity Prototype : https://xd.adobe.com/view/1995cc07-0ab6-4592-8ccf-ad320a04a6c0-4cc6/?fullscreen&hints=off
Link to Presentation:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jwwz6wkciWAG2heVm3r69GBqLEpuiNX2Ys94uPl6sXw/edit?usp=sharing
Link to Miro Board: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_kt0IOZc=/
Link to User Testing Videos : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ynjNuV9bYbpIawVqjM9M1m4yW9p691ne?usp=sharing
Link to User Testing Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lLjvQMmcsR3GE3vR03eQ-60kYQz_SWrzr2cs3lHPwcI/edit?usp=sharing
Link to Interview Questions & Answers: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zjLpBjSQWOhlEEJCZwACW_C10R7PeylbzKDRCul976g/edit
Week 1
No feedback was given.
Week 2
Specific Feedback (User Persona Exercise) : Overall the User Persona has all the necessary information. Looks realistic even though the data is an assumption.
Week 3
Specific Feedback : The survey questions are okay but maybe you might want to change/eliminate some because it might be repetitive. The result of the interview questions are okay as long as it helps you in your project.
Presentation & Mock-up Focus Group : The presentation is very good as it's detailed. When you're doing a focus group, you as the moderator have to ask for feedback after the participants have replied to your questions. For example, you can ask "What is your suggestion for this problem?"
Week 4
No feedback was given as it was public holiday.
Week 5
Specific Feedback : The user personas we have done are okay but it's too specific. Don't make user persona based on one user but a group of participants which have similarities.
Week 6
All presentation knows and understand the content. Elaborate it well
Content: Very clear. Comprehensive User Persona. Evidence are presented. Good observation on the overall problem stated.
Week 7 - Week 8
Flowchart :
1. Add error page for password
2. Add confirmation email after sign up
3. Add more categories for the forum
4. Confirm the name for location finder
5. Add more information for team profile such as win rate& total of joined matches.
6. If News Headline style only is useless, can remove it
Week 9 - Week 13
Moodboard is okay.
Comment on Rough Design:
Week 14
Conduct one more user testing with high fidelity prototype.
Week 15
Specific Feedback : The user personas we have done are okay but it's too specific. Don't make user persona based on one user but a group of participants which have similarities.
This module really helps me a lot in understanding what is user experience of a product. I have become more critical in designing website to ensure that users can navigate well in the website. It was challenging at first as I rarely conduct lots of user testing and gaining feedback from multiple participants and utilise the feedback to keep refining the design and consider the steps to do a certain task. It has been fun and I began to understand why user experience is really important, which I will certainly use in the future for future projects.
13.04.20 - 22.07.20 (Week 1 - Week 15)
UX Design
Lecture 1 : Module & Client Briefing
13.04.20 (Week 1)
This week, we were briefed about the MIB of this module. Mr Shamsul explained to us about our upcoming group projects and also gave us examples from our seniors. For this module, we'll be working with a company called ESPL, a platform for online E-sport tournament. The company had given some ideas where could maybe apply to our project :
- Problem 1: User Acquisition
- Problem 2: Passport
- Problem 3: Mobile App
- Problem 4: Redesign ESPL Website
- Problem 5: Virtual Trophy
However, we were also informed that we can find other problem or option that we think that is needed to be address.
Lecture 2 : User Interview & Design Thinking
22.04.20 (Week 2)
This week, our classmates presented about User Interview. This topic is important because it would be beneficial for us for our projects. Here is the presentation :
Fig 1.1 Individual Interview Presentation
In addition, Mr Shamsul also briefly explained to us about Design Thinking. Here is the presentation :
Lecture 3 : User Persona
27.04.20 (Week 3)
This week, our classmates presented about User Persona. This topic is important because it would be beneficial for us for our project where we had to create it. Here is the presentation :
Fig 1.3 User Personas
04.05.20 & 06.05.20 (Week 4)
The class began with the group presentation about Focus Group by my group. We also did a focus group session among our classmates.
Fig 1.4 Focus Group Presentation
Lecture 5 : -
11.05.20 & 13.05.20 (Week 5)
There were no lecture this week.
Lecture 6 : Heuristic Evaluation
18.05.20 & 20.05.20 (Week 6)
The class began with the group presentation about Heuristic Evaluation.
Lecture 7 : Card Sorting
23.05.20 - 15.07.20 (Week 7 - Week 14)
Starting from week 7, we all expected to start making the wireframes, prototypes and the high-fidelity prototype.
We also had presentation for Card Sorting.
Fig 1.6 Card Sorting Presentation
13.04.20 -15.04.20 (Week 1)
This week we had a briefing with our client, ESPL. Here is the link to their website: https://espl.gg. We were briefed about what ESPL is and what is their website about. ESPL is a esports website for users to join tournaments of both PC and mobile games. It could also be a website for users to join team or recruit players. In addition, it provides gaming news for users to read.
We were given some options of what we could do for this project :
- Different type of trophy & tournament
- ESPL Player Passport
- Mobile app/ web > better interface
- ESPL 2.0. A totally new layout/ design to access ESPL services
- KBS + ESPL value proposition
My team consists of me, Chiquita and Feryn. We discussed on which option we could do for this module and we decided on redesigning ESPL Website.
We started with creating a user journey map in the miro board. We listed down the scenarios and wrote the gain points, pain points and suggestions.
Here's the link to our miro board : https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_kt0IOZc=/
We consulted with Sr Razif and Sr Shamsul and both of them asked us to also interview with gamers so that we could also collect datas from them. We've decided to interview some gamers that we know and also created a survey for gamers to fill in as well.
We had around 7 participants for the interview. For the interview we asked mostly about how they think about the website and we also analysed how well they navigate in the ESPL website.
Here's the document of the Interview questions and answers:
Here's the document for our survey:
Based on the interview and survey, we were also tasked to create 3 user personas. Here's the user personas :
Primary Target : Pro Amateur Gamers
Secondary Target : Amateur gamers who are looking for a challenge by joining tournaments
Tertiary Target : Newbie Gamers
Primary Target : Alex Willie
18.05.20 (Week 6)
We started with creating a user journey map in the miro board. We listed down the scenarios and wrote the gain points, pain points and suggestions.
Here's the link to our miro board : https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_kt0IOZc=/
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Fig 2.1 User Journey Map 1 |
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Fig 2.2 User Journey Map 2 |
We consulted with Sr Razif and Sr Shamsul and both of them asked us to also interview with gamers so that we could also collect datas from them. We've decided to interview some gamers that we know and also created a survey for gamers to fill in as well.
We had around 7 participants for the interview. For the interview we asked mostly about how they think about the website and we also analysed how well they navigate in the ESPL website.
Here's the document of the Interview questions and answers:
Here's the document for our survey:
Based on the interview and survey, we were also tasked to create 3 user personas. Here's the user personas :
Primary Target : Pro Amateur Gamers
Secondary Target : Amateur gamers who are looking for a challenge by joining tournaments
Tertiary Target : Newbie Gamers
Primary Target : Alex Willie
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Fig 2.4 Primary Target User Persona |
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Fig 2.5 Primary Target User Persona |
Secondary Target : Tan Kee Pao
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Fig 2.6 Secondary Target User Persona |
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Fig 2.7 Secondary Target User Persona |
Tertiary Target : Patricia Chua
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Fig 2.8 Tertiary Target User Persona |
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Fig 2.9 Tertiary Target User Persona |
18.05.20 (Week 6)
Today we presented to the client about our proposal to redesign ESPL Website. Here is our presentation:
Feedback : All presentation knows and understand the content. Elaborate it well
Content: Very clear. Comprehensive User Persona. Evidence are presented. Good observation on the overall problem stated.
27.05.20 (Week 7)
This week, we managed to start making our flowchart together with some of the prototypes. We asked feedback from Sr Razif by showing our progress.
01.06.20 - 07.06.20 (Week 8)
Fig 2.10 Proposal Presentation
Feedback : All presentation knows and understand the content. Elaborate it well
Content: Very clear. Comprehensive User Persona. Evidence are presented. Good observation on the overall problem stated.
27.05.20 (Week 7)
This week, we managed to start making our flowchart together with some of the prototypes. We asked feedback from Sr Razif by showing our progress.
01.06.20 - 07.06.20 (Week 8)
This week, we were revising our flowchart based on the feedback that was given. We were also told to do Card Sorting.
08.06.20 - 21.06.20 (Week 9 - 10)
We updated our flowchart and prototype and showed to Sr Shamsul and Sr Razif. They asked us to conduct user testing with the prototype.
![]() |
Fig 2.11 Lo Fidelity Prototype |
After low-fidelity prototype has done, we managed to do some user testing. We listed down the feedback that was given and analysed how they navigate in our prototype.
Link to Lo Fidelity Prototype : https://xd.adobe.com/view/30b8860a-fa33-4fdb-90b9-2a441675f23b-65eb/?fullscreen&hints=off
29.06.20 - 05.07.20 (Week 12)
This week, we managed to add some more moodboard before starting the High-fidelity prototype.
![]() |
Fig 2.12 Moodboard |
06.07.20 - 12.07.20 (Week 13)
We are halfway to finish our High-fidelity prototype and managed to finish the visuals.
![]() |
Fig 2.13 Process High Fidelity Prototype |
13.07.20 - 19.06.20 (Week 14)
This is the link to the High-Fidelity Prototypes: https://xd.adobe.com/view/1995cc07-0ab6-4592-8ccf-ad320a04a6c0-4cc6/?fullscreen&hints=off
We also conducted final user testing with the same participants. Based on the feedbacks, there are some slight changes we need to do.
Feedback : There are lots of improvements and there is no problem in navigating in the website. Overall, the participants like what we did.
20.07.20 (Week 15)
This week, we had our final presentation with ESPL. Below is our final presentation slides:
Feedback : There are lots of improvements and there is no problem in navigating in the website. Overall, the participants like what we did.
20.07.20 (Week 15)
This week, we had our final presentation with ESPL. Below is our final presentation slides:
Fig 2.14 Final Presentation
Link to High Fidelity Prototype : https://xd.adobe.com/view/1995cc07-0ab6-4592-8ccf-ad320a04a6c0-4cc6/?fullscreen&hints=off
Feedback : Sr Shamsul commented that our High fidelity looks like a good website. The clients agreed on that but they said it's not mind blowing because we only did minor changes.
Final Submission
Final Submission
Link to Presentation:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jwwz6wkciWAG2heVm3r69GBqLEpuiNX2Ys94uPl6sXw/edit?usp=sharing
Link to Miro Board: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_kt0IOZc=/
Link to User Testing Videos : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ynjNuV9bYbpIawVqjM9M1m4yW9p691ne?usp=sharing
Link to User Testing Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lLjvQMmcsR3GE3vR03eQ-60kYQz_SWrzr2cs3lHPwcI/edit?usp=sharing
Link to Interview Questions & Answers: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zjLpBjSQWOhlEEJCZwACW_C10R7PeylbzKDRCul976g/edit
Link to Lo Fidelity Prototype : https://xd.adobe.com/view/30b8860a-fa33-4fdb-90b9-2a441675f23b-65eb/?fullscreen&hints=off
Link to High Fidelity Prototype : https://xd.adobe.com/view/1995cc07-0ab6-4592-8ccf-ad320a04a6c0-4cc6/?fullscreen&hints=off
Link to High Fidelity Prototype : https://xd.adobe.com/view/1995cc07-0ab6-4592-8ccf-ad320a04a6c0-4cc6/?fullscreen&hints=off
Week 1
No feedback was given.
Week 2
Specific Feedback (User Persona Exercise) : Overall the User Persona has all the necessary information. Looks realistic even though the data is an assumption.
Week 3
Specific Feedback : The survey questions are okay but maybe you might want to change/eliminate some because it might be repetitive. The result of the interview questions are okay as long as it helps you in your project.
Presentation & Mock-up Focus Group : The presentation is very good as it's detailed. When you're doing a focus group, you as the moderator have to ask for feedback after the participants have replied to your questions. For example, you can ask "What is your suggestion for this problem?"
Week 4
No feedback was given as it was public holiday.
Week 5
Specific Feedback : The user personas we have done are okay but it's too specific. Don't make user persona based on one user but a group of participants which have similarities.
Week 6
All presentation knows and understand the content. Elaborate it well
Content: Very clear. Comprehensive User Persona. Evidence are presented. Good observation on the overall problem stated.
Week 7 - Week 8
Flowchart :
1. Add error page for password
2. Add confirmation email after sign up
3. Add more categories for the forum
4. Confirm the name for location finder
5. Add more information for team profile such as win rate& total of joined matches.
6. If News Headline style only is useless, can remove it
Week 9 - Week 13
Moodboard is okay.
Comment on Rough Design:
Week 14
Conduct one more user testing with high fidelity prototype.
Week 15
Specific Feedback : The user personas we have done are okay but it's too specific. Don't make user persona based on one user but a group of participants which have similarities.
This module really helps me a lot in understanding what is user experience of a product. I have become more critical in designing website to ensure that users can navigate well in the website. It was challenging at first as I rarely conduct lots of user testing and gaining feedback from multiple participants and utilise the feedback to keep refining the design and consider the steps to do a certain task. It has been fun and I began to understand why user experience is really important, which I will certainly use in the future for future projects.
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