27.08.19 - 01.10.19(Week 1 - Week 6)
Maydeline (0335392)
Design Research Dissertation
Project 1
Draft Dissertation


Lecture 1 : Introduction to Module

27.08.19 (Week 1)

This week, we were briefed about our module where it is a continuous process from Design Research Methodology.

Lecture 2 : -

05.09.19 (Week 2)

There was no lecture this week.

Lecture 3 : Critical Thinking and Enquiry

11.09.19 (Week 3)

This week, we learned how to think critically and steps on how to be critical in writing our dissertation.

Lecture 4:-

18.09.19 (Week 4)

We had no lecture this week as we continued with our progress on the literature review and research methodology sections.

Lecture 5: How To Write An Effective Discussion

24.09.19 (Week 5)

We were given some notes on how to write an effective discussion.

Lecture 6: Research Methodology, Conclusion & Recommendations

02.10.19 (Week 6)

We were given notes on how to write the research methodology, conclusion, and recommendations as guides for our dissertation.



Design Research Dissertation Proposal

27.08.19 (Week 1) - 03.09.19 (Week 2)

We were tasked to reflect back on our methodology and pitch a presentation to the panelists about our topic and what project are we aiming for our final year project either minor or major project. Here is my presentation :

Fig 1.1 Dissertation Slides

Research Implementation - Draft Dissertation

10.09.19 (Week 3)

This week we started on writing our draft dissertation but firstly we need to complete until literature review section. For the literature review, Dr Hayati advised us to create a matrix which enables to help us to cross and compare research articles that are relevant and similar to our topic. She advised us to use minimal 4 literatures. We were also advised not to use old articles so I decided to search for newer articles as most of mine are really old.

Link to my matrix :

17.09.19 (Week 4)

I consulted with Dr Hayati about my progress from abstract to literature reviews. 

24.09.19 (Week 5)

This week we continued to do until research methodology. We also had consultation with Dr Hayati for grammar correction, sentence structures and etc.

Here is the link to my draft dissertation 1 :

01.10.19 (Week 6)

We had online class this week where we had online consultation. We continued on our progression this week in finishing our draft dissertation.

Here is the link to my draft dissertation 2 :

Here is final draft dissertation :

Fig 1.2 Draft Dissertation


Week 1

General Feedback : We were told to revise on our previous methodology such as the problems, questions, objectives. In addition, if there are any changes we need to inform Dr Hayati. We also need to make sure that our primary data answers our objectives.

Week 2

Specific Feedback : Dr Hayati told me to reflect on the panelists' feedback and decided on what kind of virtual reality I will be doing. I need to research more to make sure and decide on it. Mr Kannan and Mr Razif stated that I need to be more specific for my FYP, I need to think again what kind of VR I'm going to do, it could be games, entertainment and etc. Other than that, my research is okay.


Mr Kannan : Good. But need to be a abit more specific to which catergory it is catered for (e.g medical, training, game etc) or how to enhance UX.

Mr Razif : This might be interesting to see where it leads. Identify which type of locomotion, or how many types of locomotion currently being implemented. Identify the problems with those locomotions. Then you can start thinking on how to improve or to create new solutions to the problem.

Week 3

Dr Hayati explained to me about the matrix for me to have a better understanding about it. In addition, I should be able to finish my literature review by this week.

Week 4

Dr Hayati said that I might need to make changes for my title. In addition, in the table of contents section, she advised me to add more on the research methodology. For the year 2012 article that I asked, she said that it is relevant to my topic and I still can use it because it’s not about technology.

Week 5

Dr Hayati suggested me to change my title as it is not related to my research questions
and objectives. For literature review, she said that about human factor is clear but remember to put past tense. She also gave me some suggestions on sentences structures.

Week 6

No feedback was given this week.


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