
Showing posts from April, 2019


INTERACTIVE DESIGN - PROJECT 1 18.04.19 - 02.05.19 (Week 3 - Week 5) Maydeline (0335392) Interactive Design Project 1 - Landing Page LECTURES Lecture 3 : Introduction to the Language of Web  18.04.19 We learned about the establishment and development of web and the terms used in designing a website. We also discuss the differences between web and internet and who created them. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is created for web standards. Lecture 4 : HTML Document Development 25.04.19 Today's class started with a brief lecture regarding to the class activity we're going to do which is coding html. We discussed about the basic elements of html.  INSTRUCTIONS PROJECT 1 - LANDING PAGE  (Week 3) Our first project we had to do a web landing page based on our interest, could be musician, band, singer, etc. We started off by choosing our topic, target audience and purpose of the website. The screen size is a standard


DESIGN RESEARCH METHODOLOGY - PROPOSAL 03.04.19 - 24.04.19(Week 1 - Week 4) Maydeline (0335392) Design Research Methodology Proposal LECTURES Lecture 1 : Module Briefing/Research 03.04.19 On the first week of this class, we were given a brief of our upcoming activities and firstly we focus on making the proposal. In addition, we were also given a short lecture about researching our field of interest and also find a research problem. Lecture 2 : Problem statement / Research questions / Research objectives 09.04.19 For this week, we were taught how to write problem statement, research questions and research objectives. Lecture 3 : Developing Research Questions 17.04.19 This week, we were taught how to create research questions and here are the slides given by the lecturers. INSTRUCTIONS PROPOSAL Proposal and Research Week 1 -  Week 2 In this week, I was still considering new media as a topic because I wasn't still sure


VIDEO & SOUND PRODUCTION - FINAL PROJECT  01.04.19 - 01.07.19 (Week 7  - Week 14) Maydeline (0335392) Video & Sound Production Final Project INSTRUCTIONS FINAL PROJECT : STOP MOTION Week 1 We are briefed on our final project in class which was about stop motion. Our first task is to watch 3 stop motion videos that we found interesting or like the best and explain the reason. 1. Honda "Paper" This stop motion video really caught my attention when I was scrolling on my laptop as the thumbnail showed that it was an ad that advertised Honda but using illustrations on papers which was very interesting. When I watch the video, I was amused by how smooth the transition was and I could see that it took lots of effort but the result was definitely amazing. I like the video because the photos were photographed well, every motion/action was captured and it felt as if the transportations were moving smoothly and co


VIDEO & SOUND PRODUCTION - PROJECT 2 22.04.19 - 20.05.19 (Week 4 - Week 8) Maydeline (0335392) Video & Sound Production Project 2 LECTURES Lecture 2 : Frame Size & Story Board 12.04.19 Lecture 3 : Shooting Fundementals 19.04.19 Today we got introduced about the types of angles and shooting fundamentals. Mr Martin explained the basic shooting angles. Lecture 4: Film Production 26.04.19 INSTRUCTIONS PROJECT 2 (SHOOTING PRACTICE & EDITING) Week 4 For our first shooting project, we were shown a short video called "About Forgiveness. There were 2 sides of the story (male & female) and the class was divided into two groups and his side would be recreated by one group and the other, her side. I got "Her" side and before we started shooting, we discussed our crew roles, locations and props.  Video Reference : Crew list: Producer : Rausha Aminath Director: Helen Assista


VIDEO & SOUND PRODUCTION - PROJECT 1 26.04.19 - 17.05.19 (Week 4 - Week 7) Maydeline (0335392) Video & Sound Production Project 1 LECTURES Lecture 2 : Adobe Audition 12.04.19 (Week 2) Today's class began with introduction of sound editing in Adobe Audition. Mr Razif taught us the tools and and tricks that we could use for exercises and projects. Lecture 4 : EQ 26.04.19 (Week 4) Today's lecture is on how to use EQ to enhance the frequency and pitch shift. INSTRUCTIONS PROJECT 1 We were tasked to manipulate different sound effect for environment, telephone conversation, bathroom and stadium. Below are my process and results: Fig 1.1 Process Fig 1.2 Telephone Fig 1.3 Stadium Fig 1.4 Monster Fig 1.5 Explosion Fig 1.6 Bathroom Fig 1.7 Airport Next we also had to make the sound effect for iron man. We are free to use any sound downloaded from  This week we were tasked


INTERACTIVE DESIGN - EXERCISES 04.04.19 - 23.05.19 (Week 1 - Week 4) Maydeline (0335392) Interactive Media Exercises LECTURES Lecture 1 : Module Briefing / Web evaluation 04.04.19 On the first week, we were briefed on the upcoming exercises and projects for this module. We were introduced to one of the software called Adobe Dreamweaver where we would use it in the upcoming projects to make websites. Mr Shamsul informed us about 2 common terms used in websites.  HTML = HyperText Marking Language  Common coding at the start of a web page CSS = Cascading Style Sheets Used for color coding, font type/size Lecture 2 : UI & UX Design 11.04.19 We had a lecture of User Interface and User experience design. User Experience (UX) : design the structure and layout of a website and to anticipate the feel of user interactions. User Interface (UI) : functionality where the elements have to be easily accessed, understandable and generally easily displayed on a webs