INTERACTIVE DESIGN - PROJECT 1 18.04.19 - 02.05.19 (Week 3 - Week 5) Maydeline (0335392) Interactive Design Project 1 - Landing Page LECTURES Lecture 3 : Introduction to the Language of Web 18.04.19 We learned about the establishment and development of web and the terms used in designing a website. We also discuss the differences between web and internet and who created them. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is created for web standards. Lecture 4 : HTML Document Development 25.04.19 Today's class started with a brief lecture regarding to the class activity we're going to do which is coding html. We discussed about the basic elements of html. INSTRUCTIONS PROJECT 1 - LANDING PAGE (Week 3) Our first project we had to do a web landing page based on our interest, could be musician, band, singer, etc. We started off by choosing our topic, target audience and purpose of the website. The screen size is ...