16.09.19 - 27.11.19 (Week 4 - Week 14)
Maydeline (0335392)
Game Studies
Project 2 & Final Project


Lecture 7 : -

08.10.19 (Week 7)

We had no class this week as it was cancelled.

Lecture 8: -

16.10.19 (Week 8)

We had a short lecture on the framework of doing research on the study of our tabletop game.

1. Exploration 

Identify Problems

2. Analysis :

Research (which should be written in blogs) :

Direction, what others have done?, theory(hypothesis) and types of references (journal, web, youtube, books, magazines, interviews with the game creators).

3. Ideation

4. Design : Prototype and playtest. Playtest is observational notes/video/feedback survey. Things that we need to know during the user testing :

- Who are the players


- Question : Do the players would like to play again.

Questions to ask yourself:

What are the contributions to future studies?

Make sure to support the purpose of the study.

What are you studying in the design.

Fig 1.1 Steps/process in a game study

Lecture 9 : -

23.10.19 (Week 9)

We had no lecture this week.

Lecture 10 : -

30.10.19 (Week 10)

We had no lecture this week as it was an e-learning week.



16.09.2019 (Week 4) - 27.09.19 (Week 5)

For our second project, we were randomly teamed with one of our classmates. I got partnered up with Tamara who I will be working with until final project. The goal of this project is to develop a board game of our own. We will be determining what kind of tabletop game we're going to make based on our game references.

Below is the presentation we made to pitch the idea to Mr. Charles:

Fig 1.1 Proposal Idea

01.10.19 (Week 6)

This week, we had a consultation with Mr Charles regarding our tabletop game. We proposed to him our game idea and showed him the slides (Fig 1.1). Mr. Charles told us to make the game prototype for the next class so that the game can be tested and evaluated. In addition, we can add more information of our game references in the game design document / slides.

08.10.19 (Week 6)

This week, me and Tamara started on making our prototype with papers and color markers. Here is our prototype:

Fig 1.2 Adjectives (left) and Noun (right) cards

Fig 1.3 Playing Cards (Prototype)

In addition, we also decided to make a user testing with our classmates first.

User Testing #1


Participants : 
Tamara, Crystallyn, Joseph and Maydeline (New Media Students)

Problem : We were stuck at how to determine the winner. 

Solution : We decided that the player will place his/her last card on the table and wait until anyone's card matches with the last card. If there is, the player has to join the gameplay (shouting the names), but if not, he/she is safe and win the game.

Feedback from participants : Both participants stated that the game was fun but the only issue we have to fix is how to determine the winner of the game.

User Testing #2 


Participants : 
Tamara, Crystallyn, Jasen and Maydeline (New Media Students)

Problem : We noticed how some adjectives are too long that it affects on how the player will shout the full name.

Solution : We decided to change some adjectives to shorter ones.

Feedback from participants : Both participants gave good feedback as they wanted to keep playing again and again.

Fig 1.4 User Testing

User Testing #3 


Participants : 
Tamara, Crystallyn, Mr Charles, Rachel and Maydeline 

Problem : Other alternatives of how the game can be played and increase the difficulty as the game continues

Solution :

Feedback from lecturer : Mr. Charles said that the names chosen are great and overall the game is interesting. He suggested finding other alternatives ways of how the game can be played and also to increase the difficulty as the game continues.

User Testing #4


Participants : 
Tamara, Crystallyn, Jasen, Darrel and Maydeline (New Media Students)

Problem : A player might not remember anyone's name at all. 
Solution : Give one chance to let a player to know another player's name (only one).

Feedback from participants : Darrel said that our game is fun but this game is a bit hard for him as it requires memorising skill.

User Testing #5 

Fig 1.5 User Testing #5
Video : 

Participants : 
Jane, Vedha and Feryn (Graphic Design Students) 
Debbie and Jasmine (Animation Students)

Problem : Players might remember all of the names after several rounds which makes the game less intense.

Solution : - 

Feedback from participants : Overall, all of them said that our game is fun. However, Vedha proposed one problem in our game which she faced. She mentioned how after several rounds, she began to remember everyone's names which makes the game become easier and less intense.


This week we decided to make a Google Form Survey for participants who participated in the user testing to answer a set of questions after they have played the game. In this way, it's easier for us to document and analyse even further. 

Fig 1.6 Questionnaire Survey
User Testing #6 


Fig 1.7 User Testing #6

Participants :
Debbie, Jasmine, Wafir (Animation Students) 
Yameen, Azmina (Graphic Design Students)
Catherine, and Zoe (Entertainment Students)

Problem : Limit the amount of cards or the participants. 

Solution :
Me and Tamara decided to create more categorised cards and reduced the number of cards in each category. This is because we noticed how frequent the players always flip and get the same cards.

Feedback from participants : Most of the feedback from the participants is positive as they stated that the game is fun and spontaneous. It is good how some participants mentioned that they were engaged to the game. One participant also said that the game trains his/her mind to remember the words(names) and also agility. 

On the other hand, some participants gave some suggestions on how to improve the game :
  • Reduced the cards and categorised the name from easy to hard.
  • Add punishment cards
  • Limit the amount of cards
  • Character must be interesting
  • A point system

User Testing #7 


Fig 1.8 User Testing #7
Participants : 
Aditya and Jocelin (Culinary Students)
Jocelyn (Hospitality Student)

Problem : Use a thicker type of cards because it's see through. Even the number of cards to prevent players to flip and get the same cards. 

Solution :
We are going to redesign our cards and to ensure that the cards won't be see through and more presentable.

Feedback from participants : One participant stated that the game requires memory and fast pace and he has a difficult time to immediately pronounce the name when it was his turn. He finds this game quite difficult because he isn't used to it and this game doesn't help his memory (worsen his memory). 

On the other hand, the other 2 participants stated that the game is fun and they would like to play again.  

User Testing #8


Before we did this user testing, we revised our game by coming up with new idea to apply in this game. To make this game more fun and interesting, we decided to try to add one action card. This action card is called the "Reverse Card". This is where a player who flips this card gets a chance to exchange the cards with another player. This gives a chance to players who have a lot of cards on their hands.

Fig 1.9 User Testing #8

Participants : 
Nadine, Riga, Sarah, Alex (Culinary Students)

Problem :
The number of actions cards should be more.

Solution : We tried to add more action cards but we haven’t figure out the right action cards.
Feedback from participants : The feedback we got from the participants are positive. They all stated that they had a fun time playing it. It is also interesting when they wanted to play our game numerous times. Hence, they also had a great time playing it based on their reactions during the gameplay. In addition, we asked them about the action cards and they stated that they were great as it increases the competitiveness. They suggested us to add more action cards. 

User Testing #9 


Fig 1.10 User Testing #9
Fig 1.11 User Testing #10

Participants : 
Stella (Mass Communication), Medwin (Foundation), Ryan (IBM), Christy (Hospitality).

Problem : More action cards.

Solution : We tried to create more action cards but we haven’t found the right/suitable ones.

Feedback from participants : Fun and interesting. One participant gave suggestion to add more durable cards and action cards.


20.11.19 (Week 13)

This week we finalised our card game by the user testing and also consultation with Mr Charles. Then, we started on designing the cards to make it look more presentable. In addition, we decided to change the initial design. Initially it was food theme but now we wanted to design other objects aside from food.

Fig 2.1 References for the Cards

These are the design for the playing cards : 

Fig 2.2 Objects for Playing Cards

For the name cards, we decided to use Futura Heavy for the font of the words. 

Fig 2.3 Sample of Name Cards using Futura Heavy

25.11.19 (Week 14)

This week we started printing our final design. We have chose to use thicker paper for our cards to ensure that it won't be see through. In addition, we have decided to make a rule book for the players to read before playing. 

Playing Cards Final Outcome : 

Fig 2.4 Final Outcome Playing Cards

Name Cards (Adjective) Final Outcome : 

Fig 2.5 Adjective Name Cards Final Outcome

Name Cards (Noun) Final Outcome : 

Fig 2.6 Noun Name Cards Final Outcome

Here are the final outcome :
Fig 2.7 Rule Book (Front)

Fig 2.8 Rule Book Content

Fig 2.9 Rule Book Content

Fig 2.10 Final Outcome Cards (Top to bottom : Playing card, Name Card (Adjective), Name Card (Noun), Rule Book)

Fig 2.11Playing Cards (Top) and Name Cards (Bottom)

Fig 2.12 Cards inside box

Here is the final game design document : 

Fig 2.13 Game(Say My Name) Design Document 


Week 6

Specific Feedback : Mr Charles said that our idea is interesting and new but he has to try out first and play it. He told us to make a prototype for next week so that he can try it out. He also told us to add more information for the game references and make like a game documentation.

Week 7

No feedback was given.

Week 8

General Feedback : Always make sure to playtest your game prototype to your target audience or to people that you don't know very well. When you playtest, make sure to make observational notes or even record a video.

Specific Feedback : Mr. Charles said that the names chosen are great and overall the game is interesting. He suggested finding other alternatives ways of how the game can be played and also to increase the difficulty as the game continues.

Week 9

Specific Feedback : Mr Charles said that we could do the user testing with our classmates from other specialisation. He also told us to record a video and also analyse the users' behaviours and reactions and document it. 

Week 10

No feedback was given.

Week 11

E-learning week.

Week 12

Specific Feedback : Mr. Charles said that we are on the right track and he also liked the Reverse Card that we have added into the game. He also asked us to continue with the play testing. He suggested us  to make a timeline of the user testing, Make sure to categorise the responses.

Week 13

No feedback was given.

Week 14

Specific Feedback : Mr Charles said that our game outcome design is okay but he asked us to fix our game design document a little bit such as adding the user testing charts and also some information on game research section.


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