27.08.19 - 27.11.19 (Week 1 - 14)
Maydeline (0335392)
Game Studies
Project 1
Lecture 1 : Introduction to Module
27.08.19 (Week 1)
This week we were briefed with our upcoming exercises and projects in this module. Then, we continued with a short lecture about Game Studies conducted by our lecturer Sr Charles.
Lecture 2 : -
03.09.19 (Week 2)
We had no lecture this week but we were briefed on weekly task we have to do which is game reviews. We were also divided into a team of 2 people to do this game review and upcoming projects.
Lecture 3 : -
10.09.19 (Week 3)
No lecture was conducted this week.
Lecture 4 : -
18.09.19 (Week 4)
No lecture was conducted this week.
Lecture 5 : -
25.09.19 (Week 5)
We had no lecture this week but we reviewed our game reviews in our blog and also our blog progress.
Lecture 6 : -
02.10.19 (Week 6)
We had a consultation for our tabletop group project idea.
Exercise 1 : Game Review #1
28.08.19 (Week 1)
During class, we were introduced to games such as Monopoly and Risk. After Sr Charles explained how the game goes, we were divided into 2 groups and tasked to create a game using monopoly money, dices and any objects in the class. After discussing, we went with Joseph's idea.
Game Summary
This game is about conquering all of the chairs in the classroom. We were split into 2 groups where we were going to battle each other by doing rock paper scissors to see who gets to roll the dice. The number on the dice is the number of chairs we get to conquer. To mark which chairs belong to which group, we used the Monopoly money that each team wanted to use to mark the chairs that belong to them. The winner is determined by which group succeeded in conquering all of the chairs. This game is very exciting as it is about winning and getting all of the chairs. Joseph's idea is really good.
Exercise 2 : Game Review #2
04.09.19 (Week 2)
This week we went to a Cybercafe which we played digital games in Steam. We decided to play Paladins. We had the experience to play the game and analyse it.
Game Review & Description
Before the gameplay starts, we needed to split into 2 teams which consist of 5 players in each group. Next, we could select our game character that we would like to use, there is frontline, damage, support and flankers. Each game character has different skills and abilities that we can use to battle. The purpose of this game is to win by eliminating as many enemies as possible and guarding the crate to safety. If we fail to do so, the other team will get the point. It is convenient how the game allows the players to view from any direction/perspective. The sensitivity of shooting is a bit hard as you need to aim and sometimes you might fail to do so if you aren't accurate. However, we can zoom to the view of only our weapons which could make our aim more accurate. It's good how we could also shoot from far and it still hits the target.
The support also has the ability to heal the team members that are near the character, which is really helpful. Aside from shooting, each character has different ability such as special skills that we could use but not all the time, there is a period of time of recharging until we could use it again.
I would say that this game overall is really good to play and it needs good teamwork and strategies in order to win. We need to be able to learn the skills of the chosen character and we need to strategise when to use the skills.
Exercise 3 : Game Review #3
11.09.19 (Week 3)
Purpose of the game : The objective of the game is draw the word that was told and draw it on the whiteboard whereas one person needed to guess it correctly.
Game Review : Starting of the game, we had to play against another team by rock, paper and scissors. The player who wins will get the chance to draw on the whiteboard. This continues until someone gets to guess the drawing correctly.
From this game, it's actually a good idea but there were some errors that were pointed out. There is a weakness if for example if the player wins rock, paper and scissors continuously, other team wouldn't have a chance to draw. However, we tried to modify the game a bit to make it better. Overall, teamwork and thinking are a must while playing this game.
Exercise 4 : Game Review #4
18.09.19 (Week 4)
We were tasked to be in a group of 2 to make a weekly game review. I am paired up with Tamara and for this week, we chose to play digital mobile game called Mobile Legends.
In addition, we also review another analog game called UNO which we played with other groups as well.
The design of the cards are simple and straightforward as it shows the colors, numbers and symbols/icons. It's friendly for all ages as it is easy to understand because the design of the cards use primary colors which are easy to identify. Hence, the symbols are easy to learn as well.
The quality of the cards is good as the cards feel nice, they aren't sticking together, and they don't bend easily.
Firstly, each player will get 7 cards. The remaining cards will be stacked for others to take if they fail to play one card to match the discard in color, number, or symbol. The objective of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all the cards in your hand.
The player can place the card with a similar color / number to the card on the table. If the player doesn't have the card, he/she can take a card from the discard pile or use wild cards if he/she has.
You have to call out when you have one card left and be the first person out of the game to win. The player who plays their next-to-last-card must call "Uno" as a warning to the other players. If a player does not call "Uno" after laying down their next-to-last card and is caught before the next player in sequence takes a turn, they must draw two cards as a penalty. If they're not, then they're safe. This makes the game very competitive and makes the players very focus.
What makes the game interesting the action cards that were included in this game such as wild draw 4, draw 2, skip, wild swap hands card.
Exercise 5 : Game Review #5
17.09.19 (Week 4)
This week, we played 2 games that Sr Charles made. The first game is about trading resources with other teams.
Purpose : To obtain as many food and products with using the resources that your team has.
Game Review : We split into 4 groups which consist of 2-3 members in each team. The gameplay is straightforward but we need to remember the items we need for our resources. For example, my team is called sound, and we need vegetation and metal. For food, we need animals and water. In addition, there will also taxes as well. We have to trade because lack of resources but we could also include a dare as well to make it more challenging. This game needs thinking and teamwork, basically strategies.
The second game is about designing things and conquering lands.
Purpose : We need to conquer the land as much as possible and at each land, we need to put designated objects.
Game Review : There are several materials that were given for us to design and if we are out of it, we could buy more with the game master. To move north, south, west or east, there will be a spinning object for us to spin and the point will stop at either north, south, west or east. We also need to mark our land with a symbol to show that it's our team's land. We kept doing this until we will go to war. For war, we are going to buy soldiers using our leftover materials and tokens. Interestingly, we could also create alliance with other teams. During war, we need to play rock, paper, scissors as well. Overall, this game is interesting as we really need to think of the strategy to win this game. In addition, I also like how designing using the materials are included because this could make the players be more creative in what they could create.
Exercise 6 : Game Review #6
Chicken Cha Cha Cha
Purpose : To get the tails belong to other chicken (other players).
Game Review : There are two sets of cardboard tiles, one shaped octagons and other set is shaped eggs. The octagon ones show a different image of chickens and same goes with the egg-shaped ones. The octagons will be spread out randomly on the middle, facing down. The eggs will be arranged randomly surrounding the octagons, facing up. Each player will have a chicken with a tail. The chickens will be placed randomly with an equal number of unoccupied tiles separating chicken from the next chicken. Now, the player has to take turn to move the chicken, to chase the other chicken. The player has to turn over one of the octagon-shaped cards which match the same image as the egg tile. If it doesn't match, the chicken can't move. The interesting and fun part is that if the next tile in front of the chicken is occupied by other chicken, and the player successfully opens the right image, the player gets to take the tail. When a player has all of the tails, the player wins the game. This game is very intense as it feels like a competition which makes you hungry. The downfall of this game is that after few turns, there is a chance for players to memorise all of the octagon tiles facing down which makes it easier.
Game Review : Each player chooses a color and takes a set of 21 pieces. Players will take turn placing pieces on the board, each starting from the corner of the color. Each new piece placed must touch at least on the other piece of the same color, but only at the corners. Pieces of the same color cannot be in contact along an edge. There are no restrictions on how many pieces of different colors may touch each other. The exciting part is that when players are blocked, each counts the number of squares they were able to place on the board. The winner of the game is determine by the player who has the least number of squares left/who manage to conquer the most space. At first, I thought that the game would be easy as it's only placing, but as it gets more intense where players start blocking each other, strategy is needed for this game. The player has to really think thoroughly and carefully about where to place the block. It gets harder too when the player can also place the blocks connected at the corners. There are many different shapes which also increase the difficulty, there is a chance where the player might run out of the easy shapes. Overall, I think that this game is fun and straightforward and it's good to play in groups.
Game Review : This game only requires two players. Throughout the game, each player has to take turn to roll the spinner and take down one Blok of as per the color shown on the spinner (White and Blue). The penguin will be placed in the middle position so players had to make sure that throughout beating any color, the penguin won't fall. If the player makes the penguin fall down, the player itself loses. When it comes to the spinner, it's really luck because the player could either get blue, white, any color and even suspend the playing chance for one time. This game reminds me a bit of the game Jenga because players need to be really careful.
Week 1
No feedback was given.
Week 2
No feedback was given.
Week 3
No feedback was given.
Week 4
No feedback was given.
Week 5
Sr Charles said that my blog is good and complete but my game review could be more critical and it would be better because right now it's very general.
Week 6
No feedback was given.
Maydeline (0335392)
Game Studies
Project 1
Lecture 1 : Introduction to Module
27.08.19 (Week 1)
This week we were briefed with our upcoming exercises and projects in this module. Then, we continued with a short lecture about Game Studies conducted by our lecturer Sr Charles.
Lecture 2 : -
03.09.19 (Week 2)
We had no lecture this week but we were briefed on weekly task we have to do which is game reviews. We were also divided into a team of 2 people to do this game review and upcoming projects.
Lecture 3 : -
10.09.19 (Week 3)
No lecture was conducted this week.
Lecture 4 : -
18.09.19 (Week 4)
No lecture was conducted this week.
Lecture 5 : -
25.09.19 (Week 5)
We had no lecture this week but we reviewed our game reviews in our blog and also our blog progress.
Lecture 6 : -
02.10.19 (Week 6)
We had a consultation for our tabletop group project idea.
Exercise 1 : Game Review #1
28.08.19 (Week 1)
During class, we were introduced to games such as Monopoly and Risk. After Sr Charles explained how the game goes, we were divided into 2 groups and tasked to create a game using monopoly money, dices and any objects in the class. After discussing, we went with Joseph's idea.
Game Summary
This game is about conquering all of the chairs in the classroom. We were split into 2 groups where we were going to battle each other by doing rock paper scissors to see who gets to roll the dice. The number on the dice is the number of chairs we get to conquer. To mark which chairs belong to which group, we used the Monopoly money that each team wanted to use to mark the chairs that belong to them. The winner is determined by which group succeeded in conquering all of the chairs. This game is very exciting as it is about winning and getting all of the chairs. Joseph's idea is really good.
Exercise 2 : Game Review #2
04.09.19 (Week 2)
This week we went to a Cybercafe which we played digital games in Steam. We decided to play Paladins. We had the experience to play the game and analyse it.
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Fig 1.1 Paladins |
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Fig 1.2 Choosing characters (Paladins) |
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Fig 1.3 Forming teams (Paladins) |
Game Review & Description
Before the gameplay starts, we needed to split into 2 teams which consist of 5 players in each group. Next, we could select our game character that we would like to use, there is frontline, damage, support and flankers. Each game character has different skills and abilities that we can use to battle. The purpose of this game is to win by eliminating as many enemies as possible and guarding the crate to safety. If we fail to do so, the other team will get the point. It is convenient how the game allows the players to view from any direction/perspective. The sensitivity of shooting is a bit hard as you need to aim and sometimes you might fail to do so if you aren't accurate. However, we can zoom to the view of only our weapons which could make our aim more accurate. It's good how we could also shoot from far and it still hits the target.
The support also has the ability to heal the team members that are near the character, which is really helpful. Aside from shooting, each character has different ability such as special skills that we could use but not all the time, there is a period of time of recharging until we could use it again.
I would say that this game overall is really good to play and it needs good teamwork and strategies in order to win. We need to be able to learn the skills of the chosen character and we need to strategise when to use the skills.
Exercise 3 : Game Review #3
11.09.19 (Week 3)
Purpose of the game : The objective of the game is draw the word that was told and draw it on the whiteboard whereas one person needed to guess it correctly.
Game Review : Starting of the game, we had to play against another team by rock, paper and scissors. The player who wins will get the chance to draw on the whiteboard. This continues until someone gets to guess the drawing correctly.
From this game, it's actually a good idea but there were some errors that were pointed out. There is a weakness if for example if the player wins rock, paper and scissors continuously, other team wouldn't have a chance to draw. However, we tried to modify the game a bit to make it better. Overall, teamwork and thinking are a must while playing this game.
Exercise 4 : Game Review #4
18.09.19 (Week 4)
We were tasked to be in a group of 2 to make a weekly game review. I am paired up with Tamara and for this week, we chose to play digital mobile game called Mobile Legends.
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Fig 1.4 Mobile Legends |
- To play the game, players are required to choose a hero. The heroes are divided into several categories: Mage, Support, Tank, Assassin, Marksman.
- Within the game, players are encouraged to buy items in order to enhance their power/skills.
- The objective of the game is to destroy the enemy's turrets by pushing to the enemy's base.
- To refrain players from dying quickly, a punishment of long respawn time is applied.
- The more kills the player has, the more money it obtains.
- There are 5 game models, e.g Classic, Brawl, Rank
- Diamonds/Golds are a substitute for real money where it can be used to buy heroes, skin, and etc.
- Skins allow the player's heroes to be stronger.
- After 15 mins, if the game is prolonged, an option to surrender will appear. However, to surrender, 4 players out of 5 have to agree.
- Players can equip their own battle spells which consist of Execute, Retribution, Inspire, Sprint, Heal, Aegis, Petrify, Track, Flicker, Arrival, Vengeance.
- As the game is mobile based, it has an adequate graphic which allows a smooth playing experience. It is good how the graphic is above average as it allows players to play easily and smoothly. In addition, I personally like how the game provides us to choose the level of graphics because if it's the graphics is too high but your internet is low, then it will lead to lagging which is inconvenient and disturbing for players.
- The user interface could be improved as everything is too cluttered and full. I think that new players might be a bit confused when they got to the main menu as it is too full.
- Each of the characters possesses a distinct sound effect of their own. This happens in a few mins repetitively.
- The voice announcer alerts players about the incidents that are occurring in the game as the teams are often time spread across the map. In my opinion, this is very effective as you want to know about ur team members situation and with the voice announcer, it will be very convenient.
- Features such as retreat, attacks, gather announcement are also embodied within the game. Allowing easy communication amongst the player. I think that this options are very useful as I could alert my team members just by tapping and everyone will receive the information by the voice announcement and also the writing text on the screen.
- Voice chat feature is also added as it allows players who are not together in the same place have the ability to communicate through online.
- The are three options for aiming control: Free-aim, Advance Aim, Auto Aim. In my opinion, this is good because usually for beginners, they always use auto aim which is where they will automatically aim a near target. However, for more experienced players, they wouldn't want to use auto aim but they could use free-aim/advance aim for more accuracy and they can control their aim.
- Mobile control is rather easier than keyboard & mouse control because users only have to move their thumbs.
- The ability to respawn allows the player to get involved in the game again, giving the player another chance. I really like this feature because you can get back to the game and play game unlike games like PUBG and Apex Legends, where you need to heal your teammates or not they will be eliminated from the game.
- The ranking system motivates players to keep playing well and boost their rank. This almost feels like a competition and makes everyone be more competitive to level up their rank.
- Daily login rewards motivate the players to access the game daily which may also increase the likeness of the person playing. This feature is good because users need to buy heroes and level up their skills which requires lots of money. It is good how we could obtain money/golds in the game by completing the quests/objectives that were given.
- 7.5 / 10 (Recommended
Fig 1.5 Game Review Video
In addition, we also review another analog game called UNO which we played with other groups as well.
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Fig 1.6 UNO Gameplay |
The design of the cards are simple and straightforward as it shows the colors, numbers and symbols/icons. It's friendly for all ages as it is easy to understand because the design of the cards use primary colors which are easy to identify. Hence, the symbols are easy to learn as well.
The quality of the cards is good as the cards feel nice, they aren't sticking together, and they don't bend easily.
Firstly, each player will get 7 cards. The remaining cards will be stacked for others to take if they fail to play one card to match the discard in color, number, or symbol. The objective of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all the cards in your hand.
The player can place the card with a similar color / number to the card on the table. If the player doesn't have the card, he/she can take a card from the discard pile or use wild cards if he/she has.
You have to call out when you have one card left and be the first person out of the game to win. The player who plays their next-to-last-card must call "Uno" as a warning to the other players. If a player does not call "Uno" after laying down their next-to-last card and is caught before the next player in sequence takes a turn, they must draw two cards as a penalty. If they're not, then they're safe. This makes the game very competitive and makes the players very focus.
What makes the game interesting the action cards that were included in this game such as wild draw 4, draw 2, skip, wild swap hands card.
Exercise 5 : Game Review #5
17.09.19 (Week 4)
This week, we played 2 games that Sr Charles made. The first game is about trading resources with other teams.
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Fig 1.7 Gameplay |
Game Review : We split into 4 groups which consist of 2-3 members in each team. The gameplay is straightforward but we need to remember the items we need for our resources. For example, my team is called sound, and we need vegetation and metal. For food, we need animals and water. In addition, there will also taxes as well. We have to trade because lack of resources but we could also include a dare as well to make it more challenging. This game needs thinking and teamwork, basically strategies.
The second game is about designing things and conquering lands.
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Fig 1.8 Gameplay |
Game Review : There are several materials that were given for us to design and if we are out of it, we could buy more with the game master. To move north, south, west or east, there will be a spinning object for us to spin and the point will stop at either north, south, west or east. We also need to mark our land with a symbol to show that it's our team's land. We kept doing this until we will go to war. For war, we are going to buy soldiers using our leftover materials and tokens. Interestingly, we could also create alliance with other teams. During war, we need to play rock, paper, scissors as well. Overall, this game is interesting as we really need to think of the strategy to win this game. In addition, I also like how designing using the materials are included because this could make the players be more creative in what they could create.
Exercise 6 : Game Review #6
Chicken Cha Cha Cha
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Fig 1.9 Chicken Cha Cha Cha (Board game) |
Purpose : To get the tails belong to other chicken (other players).
Game Review : There are two sets of cardboard tiles, one shaped octagons and other set is shaped eggs. The octagon ones show a different image of chickens and same goes with the egg-shaped ones. The octagons will be spread out randomly on the middle, facing down. The eggs will be arranged randomly surrounding the octagons, facing up. Each player will have a chicken with a tail. The chickens will be placed randomly with an equal number of unoccupied tiles separating chicken from the next chicken. Now, the player has to take turn to move the chicken, to chase the other chicken. The player has to turn over one of the octagon-shaped cards which match the same image as the egg tile. If it doesn't match, the chicken can't move. The interesting and fun part is that if the next tile in front of the chicken is occupied by other chicken, and the player successfully opens the right image, the player gets to take the tail. When a player has all of the tails, the player wins the game. This game is very intense as it feels like a competition which makes you hungry. The downfall of this game is that after few turns, there is a chance for players to memorise all of the octagon tiles facing down which makes it easier.
Exercise 7 : Game Review #7
The Strategy Game
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Add caption |
Purpose : To cover as much of the board with the given prices as possible.
Exercise 8 : Game Review #8
Balance Ice Cubes
Balance Ice Cubes
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Fig 1.11 Balance Ice Cubes (Board Game) |
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Fig 1.12 Balance Ice Cubes (Board Game) |
Purpose : To let the opponent to make the penguin fall down (not the player itself). When a player makes the penguin falls down, the player loses.
Week 1
No feedback was given.
Week 2
No feedback was given.
Week 3
No feedback was given.
Week 4
No feedback was given.
Week 5
Sr Charles said that my blog is good and complete but my game review could be more critical and it would be better because right now it's very general.
Week 6
No feedback was given.
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