24.08.20 - 23.11.20 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Maydeline (0335392)
Design Exploration
Project 1 : Project Proposal
This week we were briefed about our upcoming projects. We were informed that this module is about exploring and learning new things that we are eager to try and explore. We were divided into groups and my group consisted of me, Chiquita and Feryn. Then, we had to discuss in group about what area we want to explore more and what we want to produce (final outcome). The theme for the project is Covid 19 / the new normal so we had to think about a product related to that.
After the discussion, we decided to explore Animation because it's the area that the 3 of us would like to learn more since we are Graphic and New Media students. Here is the idea :
Idea : Educational Short Video
Target Audience : Children aged 6-12
Objective : To educate children about COVID-19 and ways they can avoid getting and spreading the disease (Covid-19 everyday precautions).
We consulted with our lecturers and they mentioned that we should go ahead with this idea and start thinking about the storyline.
01.09.20 (Week 2)
This week we started with creating the storyline. We made 2 versions and consulted with the lecturers.
Storyline Idea #1: The narrative will show the story of characters activities during covid pandemic. The characters will be different junk food. The narrative will also show the audience (children) the coronavirus precautions. The characters are based on different junk food.
We also created a moodboard consisting the character & environment art style, typeface and color palettes.
Miro board link :
Proposal Presentation link :
Final Presentation link :
Final Outcome video link :
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Fig 1.1 Moodboard |
Feedback : We were advised to break down the narrative and create a storyline that creates empathy for children (ex: children couldn't go outside and play, travelling). The storyline should include the reason why the characters have to behave.
Find more cartoon animation such as Elmo, We Bare Bears and Pingu. Change the characters to animals or something else as there's no relation between food and Covid 19.
07.09.20 (Week 3)
This week we changed the storyline based on last week's feedback and also found more references for children animation to guide us. Based on our reference, we liked the art style of We Bare Bears and we have decided to do something similar with our 3 characters. The characters for our animation are puppies with the breed of Pug, Corgi and Chihuahua. We also decided to change the characters to puppies and did some sketches.
New Storyline (Revised) :
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Fig 1.2 References |
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Fig 1.3 Sketches of the characters |
Feedback : The revised storyline is better than before but try not to include script as you won't have time to do the voiceover and it would be too much work. Use the cartoon animation "Larva" as your reference as they use body language and expression in the characters. List down the key messages and include the state of takeaway of Penny being panicky.
14.09.20 (Week 4)
This week we had an exercise of finding good and bad social awareness visuals.
- Provoke shame and guilt in using plastic bags immediately (clear call to action)
- It reminds people why plastic bags can impact a lot to animals.
- It is clear and the concept seems well establish.
- It's easy to understand and eye catching.
- The message is very simple yet informative.
- The visual might be too disturbing to some audience.
- The visual is realistic that it kind of shows animal abuse if people don't read "plastic bags KILL"
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Fig 1.5 Bad Social Awareness visual |
- The writing is clear as it starts challenge racism so people know what the visual is about.
- The visual used somewhat explaining the idea of the campaign. (The speaker illustration relates with the written message "Challenge Racism")
- Not visually striking nor communicative.
- Not provoking immediate action (no call to action).
The point of the exercise is for us to understand and apply it to our project. With this lecture, we learned that we can apply this to our animation project such as the character design. We have to make the characters look kid friendly based on our target audience age range.
Aside from that, we also had progress for our animation which are the key messages and storyboard.
Key Messages :
- Social Distancing
- Wear masks when going out
- Wash your hands
- State of takeaway of Penny being panicky : Stay calm and don't panic in tough situation
- Look out for your family.
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Fig 1.6 Progress of storyboard |
Storyboard (Animatics) :
21.09.20 (Week 5)
This week we had a presentation regarding our proposal of this project. Here is the presentation slides of my group :
Fig 1.7 Proposal Presentation
Feedback : Add punchlines delivery, Friends hospitalised maybe no need to include : Change to the friend is arrested by police. (Make it as a Learning point than fear the virus)
Project 2 : Project Development
27.09.20 - 02.10.20 (Week 6-8)
After the presentation, we started refining some scenes of the storyboard based on the feedback. We also created a project timeline to divide the works for each team members and started with the character design and environment & prop design.
08.10.20 (Week 9)
We started combining the character and environment before importing it to be animated in After Effects. Here are the scenes :
Fig 1.11 Scene 1 - Scene 8
Feedback : We can finish up the remaining scenes and start animating the scenes that have been illustrated in After Effects. Add a thick outline outside of the character to create contrast on the characters from the environment.
15.10.20 - 05.11.20 (Week 10 - 13)
We started animating in After Effects using Puppet tool, Presets & Effects and frame by frame movement of the characters. We divided the task among the group members.
Fig 1.12 Animating in After Effects |
Fig 1.13 Animating in After Effects |
After the video compilation is done, we started finding sound effects that are suitable for the animation. One of our team member, Chiquita, has decided to voiceover for the 3 characters. Aside from that, Ms Anis has also did a voiceover for the Chicken.
Feedback : Add sound effect for the dramatic of some scenes to highlight the animation. Everything else is great.
Project 3 : Final Project & Final Outcome
Week 14
This week we presented our final presentation to the lecturers. Here is the slides :
Fig 1.14 Final Presentation
Fig 1.15 The Pup Pup Video (Final Outcome)
Feedback : Ms Anis and Ms Madina is overall impressed with our final outcome and they really like the choice of the sound effect. Overall, it is a well done animation.
Miro board link :
Proposal Presentation link :
Final Presentation link :
Final Outcome video link :
Week 2
We were advised to break down the narrative and create a storyline that creates empathy for children (ex: children couldn't go outside and play, travelling). The storyline should include the reason why the characters have to behave.
Find more cartoon animation such as Elmo, We Bare Bears and Pingu. Change the characters to animals or something else as there's no relation between food and Covid 19.
Week 3
The revised storyline is better than before but try not to include script as you won't have time to do the voiceover and it would be too much work. Use the cartoon animation "Larva" as your reference as they use body language and expression in the characters. List down the key messages and include the state of takeaway of Penny being panicky.
Week 5
Add punchlines delivery, Friends hospitalised maybe no need to include : Change to the friend is arrested by police. (Make it as a Learning point than fear the virus).
Week 9
We can finish up the remaining scenes and start animating the scenes that have been illustrated in After Effects. Add a thick outline outside of the character to create contrast on the characters from the environment.
Week 10 - 13
Add sound effect for the dramatic of some scenes to highlight the animation. Everything else is great.
Week 14
Ms Anis and Ms Madina is overall impressed with our final outcome and they really like the choice of the sound effect. Overall, it is a well done animation.
This module has taught me to be explorative in design field and I'm also glad to be able to do that with my team members. We were in doubt at first whether Animation is an area that is too risky for us to explore as we have minimal knowledge and skills regarding it. However, with the guidance of Ms Madina and Ms Anis, we were able to execute it and we learned a lot throughout the process regarding animation. There were lots of challenges such as the character design and animating in After Effects, but we managed to search lots of references or watch tutorials which were beneficial to us. Overall, I'm happy to have this opportunity to explore Animation and gain lots of knowledge yet producing something out of my comfort zone at the same time.
"Wow great piece of writing!! you conveyed the information as simple as that!!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work! Thank you..