29.08.19 - 28.11.19 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Maydeline (0335392)
Art Direction
Exercises & Projects


Lecture 1 :

29.08.19 (Week 1)

This week were divided into groups and we had to present about Art Direction in Game, Advertising, New Media and Film.

Lecture 2 : Leadership in Art Direction

05.09.19 (Week 2)

This week we learned about Leadership in Art Direction, we had to present in groups.

Lecture 6 : Project Management

03.10.19 (Week 6)

Mr Kannan gave us some valuable lectures about project management in the working field/industry. 

High Level Timeframe :

  • Pre-production (Sketching) : Art Director, Technical Director, Game Designers = Set (mock-up)
  • Production (Build & Creating assets) : Create & Testing
  • Post-production (Polishing & Publishing) : Polish and publish & promotional sites/posters

Journey Map/ Task Planning : timeline for project.

  • P1 : Must have (Needs to be completed).
  • P2 : Supportive of P1 (Needs to be completed)
  • P3 : Nice to have 

During project management, designers are required to tell the higher management what they can do in the timeline. Designers take ownership by stating how long to complete the task based on capability. They need to update on what they have done.



29.08.19 (Week 1)

This week we had to do a presentation about Art Direction. The presentation consists of the role and responsibility of an art direction and as well as the differences between art director, creative director and also artist/designer. I was teamed up with Joanna and Rausha for this module. We chose games and we were tasked to explain about art direction in games. 

Here is the presentation below: 

05.08.19 (Week 2)

This week, we were tasked to present and explain about the leadership in art direction. We need to explain what makes a good leader, the qualities and the key things.

Here is the presentation below:

Mr Kannan also gave us additional lectures of a good leadership in art direction :
  • Improvise and open new ideas
  • Leaders must work well with the co-workers by communicating by not having any favoritism or any other problems
  • Treat and respect everyone equally
  • Being honest and truthful

PROJECTS - Project 1 (Game Proposal)

Week 2 - Week 7

Group mates of mine included Rausha, Joanna and me got together to brainstorm and discuss for our game proposal and what RPG game we are going to make. We divided our task to collect different references such as logo, user interface, characters, environment and also other game references.

Here is our game Stranac proposal : 

Fig 1.1 Game Proposal

PROJECTS - Project 2 (Project Management)

Week 6 - Week 10

After our game proposal, we were tasked to individually type up our weekly progression of our project using Trello. Those few weeks, we kept updating and working based on things that are still missing and also feedback from the lecturers. 

Link to Trello :

Priority List


Fig 1.2 Progress in Trello
This is the progression of Stranac from Week 6 to Week 10.

Fig 1.3 Stranac Project Management

PROJECTS - Final Project (Final Presentation)

Week 9 - Week 14

These weeks we have to put all the final design for Stranac to be presented to the lecturers. 

Fig 1.4 Stranac Final Art Bible 


Week 1

Specific Feedback : Ms Anis and Mr Kannan said that our presentation is well done.

General Feedback : Mr Kannan advised us to be more confident in presentation and not to read from the slides. Always look at the audience to engage them during presenting. 

Week 2

Specific Feedback : Our presentation is okay and has general information. 

General Feedback : -

Week 3

Specific Feedback : Mr.Kannan said that our presentation was more like game design, however the game was interesting and the objective was clear.

Week 4

No feedback was given as it is holiday.

Week 5

General feedback: All of the groups must have a clearer direction to the game that each groups gonna be making.

Specific Feedback : Ms Anis said that our idea for UI is very basic. We need to keep in mind for consistency and also the UI for throughout the game. We have to sketch and create a mock up which we will present visually next week. 

Week 6

Specific feedback: No feedback was given. 

General feedback: No feedback was given. 

Week 7

Specific feedback: No feedback was given. 

General feedback: No feedback was given. 

Week 8

Specific feedback: No feedback was given. 

General feedback: No feedback was given. 

Week 9

Specific feedback: -

General feedback: Trello is really helpful when it comes to working in collaboration and we might need it in the future when there is group project or when we're working in the industry.

Week 10

Specific feedback: -

General feedback: Our lecturer said that we need to put the process in JPEG in Trello.

Week 11

Specific feedback: Mr. Kannan said that the UI overall is okay but resize everything and then check everything in the screen if there is anything that needs to be adjust. For the main menu, trying using like a brush to highlight to make it look more expensive.

General feedback: -
Week 12

Specific feedback:

General feedback: -

Week 13

Specific feedback: No feedback was given.

General feedback: No feedback was given.
Week 14

Specific feedback: Ms Anis said that we have a game right now and everything is looking good but there are few changes she wants us to make such as the UI and banner. The UI pause should be smaller because it would be too big on the screen and we need to change a bit of the mock up.

General feedback: Ms. Anis said that all of the group did a good job, and we need to compile everything as a complete Art Bible.


Week 02


The second week of class was about understanding about becoming an art director, how it is different from creative director and also the tasks. It is interesting to see what art director's jobs are in different field (Graphic, Game, New Media, Film).


I observed different tasks of Art Direction for Graphic, Game, Film and New Media which is where the art director in different field has different tasks.


I learned a lot of becoming an art director from both researching and also the lecture / experience from Mr Kannan. He lectured to us about how tough is the working experience in the industry field. However, the most important thing we must remember is to respect people and each other.

Week 03


Researching on what 'man-management skills' in relation to being an art director, it can be seen as what a leader should basically have.


I think that to be an art director, you need to have a variety set of skills. Art Director shouldn't be afraid to try to draw or do other design, it is good if an art director can do lots of things/ skilled in many fields. However, most important is that an art director must be able to lead well.


When presenting with my group, I can see that I still need to work on my presentation skills. As Mr Kannan said we can't be perfect but we have to learn from our mistakes and improve. By getting feedback towards my presentation skills, I was able to learn how to present well and naturally.

Week 04 - Week 14


These few weeks were very hectic because we have lots of assignments. The Trello app is very beneficial for me and my team because we are able to update our progress. We also helped each other when one faced difficulties. 


I observed that I didn't really focus on the time management due to other workload from other modules. However, me and my team still managed to keep in track, updating and discussing weekly. Other then that, I observed that time management was a lesson learnt in this semester and it shall be worked on in the future.


I found that communication and time management are very important when it comes to team / group work. Without those 2 key elements, we won't be able to manage to complete the game proposal/ presentation. In addition, good presentation skill is also required if we want to pitch our idea to the clients to sell the product. 


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