
Showing posts from September, 2019


EXPERIENTIAL DESIGN - PROJECTS 26.08.19 - 06.12.19 (Week 1 - Week 15) Maydeline (0335392) Experiential Design Projects LECTURES Lecture 1 : Introduction to Module 26.08.19 (Week 1) We are briefed on what to expect and learn from this module on experimental design and introduced on what is experimental design. Lecture 2 : - 02.09.19 (Week 2) We had no lecture this week as it was a public holiday. Lecture 3 : Unity 13.09.19 (Week 3) We learned how to use unity to create 3-dimensional objects using software called Unity. We also learned to code some basic game elements. Lecture 4 : - 16.09.19 (Week 4) We had no lecture this week as it was a public holiday. Lecture 5 : Unity AR 30.09.19 (Week 6) We had a lecture on how to create AR using image and video in Unity.  Our exercise is to scan the image to the camera and a video will be shown.  Fig 1.1 Process in Unity Firstly, we need to activate our AR camera by activating the Vuforia Augm


DESIGN RESEARCH DISSERTATION - PROJECT 1 27.08.19 - 01.10.19(Week 1 - Week 6) Maydeline (0335392) Design Research Dissertation Project 1 Draft Dissertation LECTURES Lecture 1 : Introduction to Module 27.08.19 (Week 1) This week, we were briefed about our module where it is a continuous process from Design Research Methodology. Lecture 2 : - 05.09.19 (Week 2) There was no lecture this week. Lecture 3 : Critical Thinking and Enquiry 11.09.19 (Week 3) This week, we learned how to think critically and steps on how to be critical in writing our dissertation. Lecture 4:- 18.09.19 (Week 4) We had no lecture this week as we continued with our progress on the literature review and research methodology sections. Lecture 5: How To Write An Effective Discussion 24.09.19 (Week 5) We were given some notes on how to write an effective discussion. Lecture 6: Research Methodology, Conclusion & Recommendations 02.10.19 (Week 6) We wer


APPLICATION DESIGN 1- PROJECTS 30.08.19 - 01.12.19(Week 1 - Week 14) Maydeline (0335392) Application Design 1 Projects LECTURES Lecture 1 : Introduction to Module 30.08.19 (Week 1) This week, Mr Razif briefed to us about MIB which consists of our upcoming exercises and projects in the future. We were also shown examples / works from our seniors to get some ideas of what to do for the projects. Lecture 2 : Introduction to Miro 06.09.19 (Week 2) We were introduced to  Miro   which is a website where we could make model canvas which we could use for planning our app.  Fig 1.1 Miro Board Lecture 3 :- 13.09.19 (Week 3) No lecture was conducted this week. Lecture 4 : BMC Blocks in Miro 20.09.19 (Week 4) This week, Mr Razif taught us how to use the model canvas for planning our app. He explained the 9 BMC Blocks in Miro. Below are the explanations : Key propositions  : uniqueness of the app Customer segments  : target audience (primary and secondary