ADVANCED TYPOGRAPHY - PROJECT 2 21.05.19 - 28.05.19 (Week 8 - Week 9 ) Maydeline (0335392) Advanced Typography Project 2 The Troublemakers Manifesto : A Design Colloquium (Collateral) LECTURES Lecture 8 : - 21.05.19 We had no lecture this week as we continued doing our key artwork and the poster for the collateral as well. Lecture 9 : - 28.05.19 We had no lecture this week as we continues finishing the collaterals. INSTRUCTIONS PROJECT 2 - THE TROUBLEMAKERS MANIFESTO : A DESIGN COLLOQUIUM (COLLATERAL) 21.05.19 (Week 8) This week after we have finalised our key artwork, we were told to make the poster which consists of the information that was given and the artwork. I also searched for some references of posters and we should also utilise the typographic exercise and use it in the poster. Fig 1.1 Information Fig 1.2 Reference I moved on creating the poster using Adobe Illustrator. I tried out some different layouts and see ...