
Showing posts from May, 2019


ADVANCED TYPOGRAPHY - PROJECT 2 21.05.19 - 28.05.19 (Week 8 - Week 9 ) Maydeline (0335392) Advanced Typography Project 2 The Troublemakers Manifesto : A Design Colloquium (Collateral) LECTURES Lecture 8 : - 21.05.19 We had no lecture this week as we continued doing our key artwork and the poster for the collateral as well.  Lecture 9 : - 28.05.19 We had no lecture this week as we continues finishing the collaterals.  INSTRUCTIONS PROJECT 2 - THE TROUBLEMAKERS MANIFESTO : A DESIGN COLLOQUIUM (COLLATERAL) 21.05.19 (Week 8) This week after we have finalised our key artwork, we were told to make the poster which consists of the information that was given and the artwork. I also searched for some references of posters and we should also utilise the typographic exercise and use it in the poster. Fig 1.1 Information Fig 1.2 Reference I moved on creating the poster using Adobe Illustrator. I tried out some different layouts and see which one


DESIGN RESEARCH METHODOLOGY - RESEARCH 29.04.19 - 15.05.19 (Week 4 - Week 7) Maydeline (0335392) Design Research Methodology Research LECTURES Lecture 4 : What is a Critical Review? 24.04.19 This week, we had a lecture on how to write a critical review. The context includes on how In addition, the lecture also included on how to look for journal articles and scholarly journals that are related to our topic from different sites.  Lecture 5 : -  01.05.19 There is no lecture this week as it is a public holiday, but we continue on with online lecture. Lecture 6 : Research Strategy (Quantitative & Qualitative) 08.05.19 We had a short lecture for our next task which is research implementation. Ms Jinchi and Dr Hayati explained on the differences between quantitative and qualitative research where those are the methods that will be used for research implementation. Lecture 7 : - 08.05.19 No lectures are conducted this week, as the lecturers con


ADVANCED TYPOGRAPHY - PROJECT 1 07.05.19 - 21.05.19 (Week 6 - Week 8) Maydeline (0335392) Advanced Typography Project 1 The Troublemakers Manifesto : A Design Colloquium - Title & Key Artwork LECTURES Lecture 6 : Finding Inspiration: Typeface Design 07.05.19 This week, the group presented about the ways we could find inspiration from typeface design or how designers out there who created typefaces found their inspiration. From this lecture, I found out that everyday objects around me could be inspiration in designing and I was dumbfounded but also inspired by the lecture. It was interesting to see how designers took the inspiration and created something that I would describe as mind-blowing and unique. What I learn is that if I keep researching, reading books, looking around finding inspiration, I could actually take it to my design projects and produce good works. Here is the compilation of this week's lecture. Lecture 7 : Thinking Before