INFORMATION DESIGN - PROJECT 1 14.01.19 - 15.02.19 (Week 2 - Week 6) Maydeline (0335392) Information Design Project 1 - Instructable Infographic LECTURES Lecture 4 : Flip Topic 3 : Miller's Law Chunking 16.01.19 (Week 2) For this week, we had to present as a group about Chunking which was taking chunks of information and grouping them into ideally size pieces. Lecture 5 : Isometric Design 28.01.19 (Week 3) Today, we were given 30 minutes to prepare a presentation about Isometric Drawing. Isometric design is drawing that has shape, simplicity, depth and dimension. We were to tasked to explain more about the design style and give some examples as well. INSTRUCTIONS PROJECT 1 - Instructable Infographic Part 1 : Recipe Infographic Poster For this project, we have to make a recipe infographic poster and Ms Anis suggested us to take the recipe from . I decided to make about eggs Benedict because it's not a sim...