

24.08.20 - 23.11.20 (Week 1 - Week 14) Maydeline (0335392) Design Exploration Projects MODULE INFORMATION BOOKLET (MIB) PROJECTS  Project 1 : Project Proposal 24.08.20 (Week 1) This week we were briefed about our upcoming projects. We were informed that this module is about exploring and learning new things that we are eager to try and explore. We were divided into groups and my group consisted of me, Chiquita and Feryn. Then, we had to discuss in group about what area we want to explore more and what we want to produce (final outcome). The theme for the project is Covid 19 / the new normal so we had to think about a product related to that.  After the discussion, we decided to explore Animation because it's the area that the 3 of us would like to learn more since we are Graphic and New Media students. Here is the idea : Idea : Educational Short Video Target Audience : Children aged 6-12 Objective : To educate children about COVID-19 and ways they can avoid getting and spreading t


COLLABORATIVE DESIGN PRACTICE  27.08.2020 (Week 1 - Week 14) Maydeline (0335392) Collaborative Design Practice Projects LECTURES Lecture 1: 27.08.2020 (Week 1) INSTRUCTIONS PROJECTS FEEDBACK Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16


MINOR PROJECT 14.04.20 - 19.07.20 (Week 1 - Week 14) Maydeline (0335392) Minor Project INSTRUCTIONS WRITTEN TASKS Design Innovation & Disruptors 14.04.20 (Week 1)  1. Please describe what is Design Innovation based on the article "What is Design Innovation? by Alex Obenauer". Please cite some examples to elaborate your observations. ttps:// Answer : Based on Alex Obenauer's article, Design Innovation is a design process that has a basic innovative concept which changes the way consumers interact with the products to make their life easier. This innovation is to reduce the friction user experience or to improve the user experience. It consists of principals that include contextual, empathetic, goal-oriented, intentional and iterative. For example, the Coca-Cola bottle is mentioned in the article. Coca-Cola changed its original bottle design and created a total new bottle


GAMES DEVELOPMENT - PROJECTS 22/4/20- 29/7/20 (Week 1- Week 16) Maydeline (0335392) Games Development Projects Game Design Document | Art Asset Development | Game Prototype | Playable Game LECTURES Lecture 2:- 29/4/20 (Week 3) There was no lecture this week. We presented our game idea to Sr Razif and received feedback Lecture 8: Character HP | Enemy Attack | Wheel Spawn & Effects 3/6/20 (Week 8) This week, we learned how to link the character HP to a image element created as a life bar as well as creating an enemy to attack the character with the bullets that are spawned in the spawn point. Lecture 9: - 10/6/20 (Week 9) We did not have lecture this week as we had consultation to discuss with Sr Razif our game mechanics. Lecture 10:- 17/6/20 (Week 10) We did not have lecture this week as we had consultation to discuss with Sr Razif our game mechanics. Lecture 11 - 14  24/6/20 (Week 11) - 15/7/20 (Week 14) We did not have lecture this week as we